Juris Zinbergs

Juris Zinbergs E-RYT 500 | C-IAYT
Juris serves as Senior Faculty in AVI’s Viniyoga Foundations Program (VFP).
Juris began practicing yoga in 1993 and became a Certified Viniyoga Teacher in 1997, and a certified Yoga Therapist in 2000. Juris is a well-known leader in the yoga community in his area and a mentor for local teachers. He shares the teachings of Krishnamacharya emphasizing that the result of appropriately placed, accurate and integrated yoga techniques can be clearly seen in an individual’s transformation. Currently, Juris provides individualized yoga therapy sessions, private practice consultations, group classes, private retreats and corporate or population-specific workshops. He can be seen demonstrating yoga postures in Gary Kraftsow’s book, Yoga for Transformation. He currently teaches open group classes at Yoga Works, UC Irvine, Alcheme Yoga Therapy, and sees private Yoga Therapy clients in southern California.