
Yoga Journal Names Gary Kraftsow a Lifetime Contributor

Yoga Journal Names Gary Kraftsow a Lifetime Contributor

One of America’s leading yoga therapistsAs founder and director of the American Viniyoga Institute, Gary Kraftsow isa pioneer in the use of yoga for health, healing, and personal transformation.A student in India of T.K.V. Desikachar, who developed Viniyoga, Kraftsow is one of America’s leading proponents of yoga therapy, the therapeutic application of yoga practices to…

AVI in the NYT

It was a great pleasure to read the New York Times article about Mark Bertolini and Aetna’s expanding commitment to implementing Mind-Body Stress Management Programs within their own organization as well as encouraging other companies to do the same. Viniyoga teachers continue to lead classes for Aetna employees at their various corporate locations.  As mentioned…